We take your brand from dull to dynamic, with original, fresh illustrations and designs that amplify your big brand personality.

We're all about bringing your brand to life with designs that are just as colourful and unique as you are.

We believe that art and design can come together in exciting ways, and that taking a playful approach can lead to the best results. So why not have some fun with it?

Wanna be digital pen pals?

juicy good bits coming to you soon

Building a brand doesn't have to be an overwhelming hot mess of to-do lists for you to tackle on your own.

We get the struggle - the endless cycle of imposter syndrome and uninspired ruts can be draining.

We're here to turn the chaos into an exciting adventure full of creativity.

With us as your trusty sidekick, you'll be free to focus on what you do best - running your business and serving your clients.

Some of our favourites

Meet Molly

Molly Wellington is an illustrator, brand designer and all-round-creative human being.

Before founding their own design studio, molly worked for a kombucha company creating designs and illustrations for packaging and marketing material.

Molly is based in fremantle WA, with her clients based locally, to melbourne, to california. time zones are no limit!

She has transformed a wide range of cpg brands, service providers and hospitality brands with brand and illustration projects.